I love listening to music and it is my safe place. I am 65 years old and 60’s and 70’s music is my comfort blanket. I have just put the television on mute and am listening to Apple Music on the iPad. How do Apple get things so right no other laptop or small device ever seems to sound as good. I am sure other people must find music a comfort in these awful times. COVID-19 has turned our world upside down and anything that gives us a lift must be worth seeking out. I am listening to Rumours by Fleetwood Mac 🖥 my iPad has given my that giff I didn’t seek it out.
musing ˈmjuːzɪŋ/ noun noun: musing; plural noun: musings 1. a period of reflection or thought. adjective adjective: musing 1. characterized by reflection or deep thought.
Big Garden Birdwatch for RSPB
Baclofen pump refilled
Friday was stressful! A trip to UCHL https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ Getting my Baclofen pump refilled is a twice yearly event, I had the operation to get it put in last February so almost a year ago 😲 time flies when you are living under pandemic conditions. The pump dispenses Baclofen directly into my spinal cord. I have Multiple Sclerosis and the Baclofen helps my body deal with spasticity. Multiple Sclerosis attacks the nervous system and to date there is no cure. The MS society is a great source of information and always searching for a cure.
When this is over will it be back to normal
I am sixty five years old. I my lifetime I have seen strikes blackouts mines disappear and several recessions. We have not been in the EU joined the EU and now got BREXIT done. I have seen interest rates on mortgages skyrocket and collapse, interest on savings ten percent and now savings are worthless. The one constant throughout all of these and many other disasters that thankfully I have managed to forget about is that day follows night. I and hopefully you will wake up tomorrow. I used to work with a Londoner, a real old cockney and his mantra was “ there’s two certainties in this world. Rent day and Death “ and when you boil it down he God rest his soul was right. We all have bills mortgages car loans rent commitments etc and everyone alive will eventually die!
So getting back to normal! What’s normal? In my time on earth boom and bust has been a seven year cycle! I don’t mean that in the biblical sense I mean it in reality. Every seven years we seem to have had some disaster. And here we are again in the middle of the biggest disaster that has occurred in a hundred years. It is thought that the end of the Great War bought about the spread of the pandemic named as the “Spanish Flu” and it killed an estimated 50 million worldwide. The current COVID-19 pandemic has so far killed over two million people. But it looks as if it may be sticking around for a while so even with a vaccine it looks like we are stuck with it.
So what will back to normal look like? I have no way of knowing, my Crystal Ball 🔮 has got a flat battery 🔋 so anything I type here is just the speculation of my deranged mind. I can tell you here in England that we won’t be visiting Debenhams but who else will be closing the doors never to be reopening them? Well today has seen a first the stock market 📈 has been in turmoil of small investors beating the Hedge funds. I can’t say I understand it but I know some people who have played the game company share game today and come out on the winning team. So social media looks as if it’s going to feature heavily in “the new normal”. It recently played a large part in the riots in Washington DC so let’s hope political riots are not featuring in “the new normal “
I have mentioned recession in the early part of the post and I don’t expect us to get out of this pandemic until we have suffered another one! You may think I am being negative but my take on everything is we ain’t seen nothing yet.
COVID stupid questions from reporters
I know it’s a news reporters job to as questions but honestly can you believe the absolute stupidity some of the TV news guys? “Minister when will lockdown end? Minister why are children not in school? Minister why can’t you answer my stupid questions?” Then the news editor digs up a stupid woman from the travel industry saying we don’t need to send people into hotels to isolate. Are the news programs all in league with stupid people who don’t get it. We are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. One that has killed two and a quarter MILLION people and more and more will die each day, yet still they want to ask for and end game. Get real stay safe and follow the guidelines and stop listening to the idiots on tv 📺
Buds appearing Spring is around the corner
With all of the COVID-19 worries I have found it difficult to find anything positive to blog about but today as I sit here in my wheelchair staring out it feels like spring is on it’s way! The sun is shining and the sky is blue, the birds are busy flying in to visit the feeders and the buds are swelling on the small tree at the bottom of the garden. Yes Spring is on its way😁. As the saying goes ‘One swallow doesn’t make a summer’ one bud doesn’t make a spring.
We still have along way to go before I will say spring has sprung but it is definitely closer than it was a week ago.More needs to be done on Mental Health
I am often going on about mental illness and I make no apologies for doing it. When I was in my mid twenties I suffered what I now would call a breakdown. In those days mental illness wasn’t even mentioned by my doctor. I was just told take these three times a day and shoved out the door. I will never know how different our lives would have been had someone sat me down and explained what I was going through. The reason I am banging the drum again is I have just read two articles about women being murdered by their partner because of the stress of living under COVID conditions.
Mental health can effect us all and in these extreme times it is just below the surface and waiting to erupt. Yes murder is extreme compared to a black eye or a broken wrist. But talking about feelings can make a big difference. People like the Samaritans are there to help. Always at the end of a phone put them in your contacts 116 123.
Remember that “it’s good to talk “
Re use Repurposed Recycle the new three R’s
I just googled what’s the three r’s What are the 3 R's stand for? reduce, reuse and recycle The 3R Initiative aims to promote the ...
In my last post I mentioned a Care Home in Ashford well it is the Brabourne Care Centre https://brabournecarecentre.co.uk/ I have had a b...
Well the Labour party seem to be in disarray. Another MP has announced she is leaving or has left the fold! Not sure how this is going to ...
Mine are great 👍 I never made any! Yep I know I need to loose weight, if I could I would but I never shamed myself into setting unobtainabl...