Yesterday the pound nose dived against the dollar wrecking any thoughts of a ‘soft recession’ whatever one of them is. I stand by my earlier predictions that it’s going to be a hurtful time. The Putin war is the unfathomable part. He is the wild card and after the attempt on his life today he’s going to be even more of a loose canon . Read about yesterday American crash 💥 here
musing ˈmjuːzɪŋ/ noun noun: musing; plural noun: musings 1. a period of reflection or thought. adjective adjective: musing 1. characterized by reflection or deep thought.
The recession I predicted is about to become reality
I hate to be one of those I told you so people but I did. In my blog post back in January last year I predicted a recession click here to read my old post
The figures on the economy are always a few months behind so I think the predictions of a recession are with us now here on the front page of today’s Guardian
Plastic free Minster on Instagram
I have a problem! I just found and followed Plastic free Minster on Instagram and I cannot copy the logo. Click here to see it and follow the group
I find the Instagram no copy rule a nuisance but rules is rules, I only wanted to get the logo onto Google to get some advertising for this worthwhile cause.
Here is a Plastic free Margate logo instead of a ‘Plastic Free Minster’ logo
Re use Repurposed Recycle the new three R’s
I just googled what’s the three r’s What are the 3 R's stand for? reduce, reuse and recycle The 3R Initiative aims to promote the ...
Mine are great 👍 I never made any! Yep I know I need to loose weight, if I could I would but I never shamed myself into setting unobtainabl...
I cannot believe how many potholes and cracks , pits and bumps are on the roads around here. I can only assume the rest of the counties roa...
In my last post I mentioned a Care Home in Ashford well it is the Brabourne Care Centre I have had a b...