'The Independent Group' column inches

The latest and newest parliamentary group the so called

'The Independent Group'  are going to be the subject of so many column inches in newspapers around the world that editors must be running their hands together! Nothing like a good gossip to sell a few more papers and for the next few days it will be open season for gossip about the seven defectors! But will it change anything? I'm not sure it will change how anyone see's party politics! I have been watching and willing on the fortunes of the WEP The Women's Equality Party 

And I must say if effort equalled voted the WEP would be ahead in every poll in the land but they ain't! That is me sugar coating it! They deserve so much but the fact is they haven't got a single MP. The Women's Equality Party deserve so much more than the defectors they are at least honest the way the defectors are going about things seem to me to be dishonest! Lies from the word go cannot be seen as  a good start. One of their cries has been Antisemitism yet immediately they get embroiled in the colours of voters! 
I am just a lonely blogger trying not to say anything political but today's events made me want to shout out that it is about time we had a change and I would like to see The Women's Equality Party making that change

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