Pulmonary embolism makes me feel awful

 The last couple of days have been awful. I am as weak as a lamb and sleeping all the time in fact I may sleep at the end of this word! Sleep ๐Ÿ’ค ๐Ÿ›Œ ๐Ÿ˜ด 

Blood clot on the lung an Ulcer plus Pneumonia

I told you I had been into the  UCHL for some fettling of my Baclofen Pump. Whilst there it was discovered that I had Pneumonia a Blood Clot on the Lung (Pulmonary embolism) and an Ulcer so my Baclofen Pump increase was put on hold until all the other problems a sorted    

I have been very unwell and even now after a couple of days at home I an feeling a long long way from better. Evidently the PE (Pulmonary embolism) will take three to six months to disperse and the blood thinning tablets are to be taken with care. The Pneumonia has had some super strong antibiotics and my breathing is improved but not perfect because of my blood clot๐Ÿคจ. I need to have a camera down my throat to check out the Ulcer and some other Gastric stuff, all in all I was jolly lucky ๐Ÿ€ to have been in hospital when all of these things combined to do me harm. I finish five days of twice daily injections from the district nurses tomorrow and start taking the blood thinning tablets on Monday. They are the modern replacement for Warfarin   

Our youngest daughter summed up the last few days by saying “if you were a cat you used up one of your lives”

No photography today. Must do better tomorrow

 My camera ๐Ÿ“ท lay unloved in the cupboard today ☹️ I try and use it almost every day but today was my first full day home from hospital and I was weary. My visit had been very eventful for all the wrong reasons. I discovered I had a Pulmonary embolism a cyst and I even developed Pneumonia in there. Thank goodness I was in there! Photography to me is a very special therapy. It allows me to escape away from the trials and tribulations of everyday life, it’s pure escapism. I love slowing down and waiting whether it’s trying to get a photo of a bird out of the window, I have a wheelchair and there’s steps down to our garden so window photography it’s then for me. Heather gets me photos of the flowers she grows form. I play around with them, I just crop or convert to black and white. I don’t like photoshop as in my mind it’s messing up the photo.

Just had a few days in the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery UCLH London

The UCLH (University Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery Hospital) is some place. I under went spinal surgery 17 months ago (see previous post)
My visit was to sort out dosage and ensure the catheter wasn’t leaking. The marvellous staff at the Molly Lane Fox unit were there to care for my every need and the food weren’t bad either.  My visit would’ve been sorted in clinic normally but then COVID-19 reared it’s ugly head and as with the whole world ๐ŸŒ things got sidelined. 

During 2020 I came to clinics to have my pump refilled and dose changes. Medtronic makers of the pump have made an amazing job. It’s done by placing a reader over the pump and then my nurse could read the amounts used etc and more importantly for me make any changes in dose. 
Back to the reason why I am posting and that is to give a big thumbs up ๐Ÿ‘ to staff and nurses on the Molly Lane Fox unit who cared for me. The unit deal with all sorts of brain ๐Ÿง  surgery and I have met people who have undergone some marvellous marvels of modern surgical techniques. All cared for a in a ward with a history dating back into the mid 1800’s when a woman sought brain surgery for a family member. That woman was Molly Lane Fox. She was a one of the founders  of The UCLH (University Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery Hospital) here endith tonight’s lesson on the history of brain ๐Ÿง  surgery it may not be the perfect historical reference you will ever read but ‘twas written with love ❤️ for the care I have received and the marvellous things that happened at the UCLH .

Sorry not been posting Multiple Sclerosis and life got in the way.

My last post was pre COVID-19 so it is ages ago but with all of the lockdowns and waves etc it seems an eternity since I last posted. Much has happened, I have finally got my Stoma done it’s a Colostomy and has transformed our lives. I’m no longer sitting on the commode for four or five hour’s everyday. Son in that respect life is better. Because of Heather changing the Stoma bags the bed needs to be moved which involves relocating the ceiling hoist and that’s due to happen next week ๐Ÿ‘ . My other major news is that I now have an intrathecal baclofen pump. I had it inserted last February prior to the first lockdown . To find out about Baclofen Pump click here 
This pump is a brilliant piece of kit. Inserting medication direct into the spinal cord via a catheter from the pump inserted in the front of my stomach. 
 So lots going on but I haven’t wanted to share this with the ๐ŸŒ. Now I have shared it so maybe more posts to come.

Article from The Guardian about Earth day

 Today is Earth Day, which should provide us with an opportunity to pause and confront the awful predicament humanity faces. We eat microplastics, breathe pollution and watch other life-forms decline to extinction. We face intersecting poverty, health, climate and biodiversity crises. Our global predicament is that consumption by the wealthy is driving us towards planetary disaster, yet billions live in poverty and need to consume more to live well. In this cycle, any version of “success” only hastens catastrophe.

Solving this conundrum requires much more than merely reducing the impact of high-consumption lifestyles. Similarly, if we focus on increasing efficiency this tends to increase resource use: make cars cheaper to run and people drive more. The core of any response that truly rises to this challenge will be interlocking policies that drive society on to an equitable and sustainable path.

Flowers blooming bulbs growing

 We have had loads of daffodils blooming for what seems an absolute age but as they start to recede other bulbs are appearing. First off it was the Snakes Head Frittilary and now it’s a question of what is going to be next? This is a voyage of discovery as a few weeks back we (Heather) planted 200 spring and summer bulbs. 

Re use Repurposed Recycle the new three R’s

 I just googled what’s the three r’s What are the 3 R's stand for? reduce, reuse and recycle The 3R Initiative aims to promote the ...