Staycation and help the economy

There has never been a better reason for staying put here in England. Covid 19 has been rife here but in some European countries it has been awful. I for one wouldn’t want to be in some far off foreign country and developing the virus when far away from the NHS. Say what you like we have the best health service in the world. So basically what I am saying is holiday at home. The risk of hospitalisation abroad is to great, stay here in England is to me the sensible thing to do! The other side is from an economic standpoint. Stay at home and help our economy, many people are going to be out of work when this pandemic shakes out! If we all start swanning off to foreign climes and spending our hard earned dosh  abroad there will be less growth here at home. 
Now it may sound churlish of me to say stay in Blighty but please remember your neighbour. That is a metaphoric neighbour, a holiday in Barnsley instead of Barcelona May not have the same cachet but in this day and age of Covid 19 a Staycation has a lot going for it.

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