Soar a magical collaboration Welsh harpist Catrin Finch and Senegalese kora player Seckou Keita

Welsh harpist Catrin Finch and Senegalese kora player Seckou Keita have made magical music on their latest joint musical project together. I think it was on the Kate Bottley Good Morning Sunday radio show (Sunday morning Radio 4) that I  first heard the wonderful music they make. An unlikely pairing a Senegalese kora player and a Welsh Harpist of considerable talent but if you take the trouble to seek out their music I can assure you that you will be pleasantly surprised. I know I am an old man and have more of an ear for Rock n Roll than classical music, but my mind and ears are open and I have found their work peaceful and easy listening,
I  have never heard the term AFROPOP before. So I have spent a few hours surfing the web.All photos etc are from the web Google Images etc. The album Soar is evidently the second offering by Finch and Keita and as I type this I am listening to Catrin Finch play her harp on my Alexa. All this stuff is out there you just need to have the desire to seek it out. If you do as I have I hope you like me will listen and enjoy something which is both ancient and new.

Further reading here

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) on 27 January

I am appalled by the figures on the radio about holocaust denial. I find it hard to believe the one single most horrific attempt to eradicate Jewish people simply because of their faith. There are many  aspects to why the German Nazi party wanted to murder Jews and to stop history being repeated we need to look at the past. I am not going into great detail here as there is so much information available, I just wanted to say that over six million Jews were slaughtered and some say these figures are woefully low, we need to remember that the horrors of the past happened because no one stopped it starting!
read more here

2019 Beach Cleans start at Pegwell Bay, Cliffsend at 10am, Sat. 26 Jan.

Thanet Coast(NEKMPA) @ThanetCoastProj 42 minutes ago
2019 Beach Cleans start at Pegwell Bay, Cliffsend at 10am, Sat. 26 Jan. Would you like to help within the National Nature Reserve? Or join in/ organise your own along the Thanet Coast? Thanks to support: & More info:

KEEP IT, BIN IT | New National Anti-Litter Campaign

New Year New New start

I ditched all of my blogs last year  and now regret having done so😟. But the past is gone I tried to retrieve them and they are gone victims of my own inadequacies. I am not going back to blogging like I did but I hope 2019 will be better than 2018.

Re use Repurposed Recycle the new three R’s

 I just googled what’s the three r’s What are the 3 R's stand for? reduce, reuse and recycle The 3R Initiative aims to promote the ...