Thought of the day from Jay Blades on twitter

TOtd The richest person isn’t the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least. Wealth is a mindset. Want less and appreciate more today. Be thankful for your life. For your health, your family, your friends, and your home. Many people don’t have these things.

Margate Festival: NOW - the open call is live

Margate Festival: NOW

Margate Festival: NOW - the open call is live

Visit our website to read the open call and take part

Public Meeting
Come along to find out more, meet the team and have your questions answered on

Wednesday 18 July
from 6 to 7pm
Oddfellows, 14 Hawley Street, Margate CT9 1PY

Do keep in touch, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and spread the news to your colleagues and friends

Margate Festival
Find out more

Women's Equality Party Say THANK YOU TRUMP

President Trump is on his way to London. Tomorrow WE will give him the welcome he deserves.
Since the Misogynist in Chief took office, he’s worked to dismantle women’s rights. Instead his hate and lies have galvanised and united women. In fact, after Trump was elected WE saw one of the biggest spikes in membership numbers in this Party's history and he continues to motivate new activists daily.
WE want to say thank you to the world's Number One Feminist Recruiter in style! Help us takeover #ThankYouTrump on twitter for the day with your thank you messages to the President. Click on the card you want to send to Trump below and tweet him a message he won’t forget.
Tomorrow WE will be at the marches in London with a specially designed two metre tall ‘thank you’ card to fill with protesters' messages to Trump, which will be delivered to him during his diplomatic initiative round of golf in Scotland. Add your message by commenting on our Facebook live stream tomorrow afternoon, where Sophie Walker will be live from the march taking a look at all the heartwarming messages we've had so far and writing in new ones from viewers.
Together we will all face down Donald Trump - and indeed thank him for all he has done to spur even more women to organise and fight for our human rights.

Women's Equality Party

ei141rc smoke alarm Fun

Do you know why smoke alarms start to beep in the middle of the night? No it's not because they  are designed to wake you when you are enjoying your ZZZZ's it is as simple as you needed to replace the battery earlier. They choose the night time because that is when the house is at it's coolest and the battery was no longer strong enough and because you didn't replace it finally it gasped its last and went the way of all batteries, to battery heaven!! Make sure you dispose of the depleted battery safely!!!!. So now you know the smoke alarm hasn't been on a mission to awake you unnecessarily and it hasn't got an evil side to it's normal placid temperament look on the bright side IF THERE HAD BEEN A REAL FIRE YOU WOULD BE AWAKE. I doubt that you  will have forward planned for this situation?? No, I never either! so safe in the knowledge  there is no fire just the alarm telling you that you have been a numpty and not replaced the battery, go back to bed and try and sleep. I managed but my wife didn't.😪😪 which means I dont sleep. "are you asleep" has always seemed a counter intuitive question because if you get an answer to it the answer can only ever be NO!!!. I am in another room due to my illness (Multiple Sclerosis) I have an airflow mattress and a sleep apnea machine making competing noises all night so an intermittent beep from a smoke alarm ain't got a chance, I would only wake if it was a real WAKE UP CALL that thing is VERY LOUD when called to inform you the toast has burned.
Daylight eventually arrives and we head off on a shopping trip to get stuff including a replacement battery, STUFF included a visit to the hairdressers for me. My hairdressers work on an appointment system but did we book? Half an hour to waste before I got to have my snip. A grade two all over and we were off to get STUFF. Eventually we arrived home and it was then that we discovered what you have already guessed without the said battery. So a  trip to the local newsagent to buy the battery we decided we wouldn't buy from there because the turnover wont be as fast as a supermarket. Battery finally installed  and guess what the beep continued. TO BE CONTINUED MY FINGER CANNOT TYPE ANYMORE
 So our fears were confirmed it was the battery okay and the Alarm faulty? Do many questions and we still had an alarm that continues to beep. Well no more could be done today or as I am writing this tomorrow I if we're of a pedantic nature no more could have been done yesterday. I am now writing in the present because today is today and yesterday has been and gone. (Song title anyone) Because of my bowel problems we wasn't able to do anything  until after 1:00 today. Heather decided after several battery changes and recurring the Alarm that a new alarm was needed. The base separated from the base and armed with the offending article she heard off to City Electrical Factors in Broadstairs to get a new one. Twenty some odd squids later she reruns and fits the new one. It just slides in and we expected that to be it. It beeped a few times and was then almost silent.
This all happened today. And today was the day of England's match against Croatia so I am now home after the match (England lost) and am in bed listening to a beep every few minutes. So good 🌙 I will continue this tale tomorrow which will be relayed to you in the present sense  of you fill my dift.

Waste Plastic turned into Whale to hilite waste in Oceans

Found this on Twitter:-
A 12-meter-tall whale built with five tonnes of plastic waste fished from the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans was installed at the Bruges Triennial in Belgium to raise awareness of the threat posed by plastic waste to marine ecosystems

Wheelchair walking Shorne Country Park

We have just got back from a day out to Shorne Country Park.
I had a great time wandering the paths and tracks around the park with my wife Heather and our good friend Phil. I am permanently in a wheelchair ♿as I suffer from Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and can no longer stand or walk. The park at Shorne is one of the Kent County Council KCC country parks . I have a parking permit, because I have a Blue Badge  it  enables me to by a years parking for all of the parks, our registration is automatically logged upon entry, Marvelous what modern technology can do. Well we got there and as per usual the first stop was the🚻 toilets. We had a few minutes wait as the disabled facility doubles as a mother and baby change place and we got there just as a baby and his family took him in for a nappy change. The main building is a futuristic wooden creation housing a great cafe and offices and meeting rooms etc, Phil got the teas and we sat outside on the paved area sunning ourselves and doing that old favourite 'people watching'  !! Being a Friday afternoon 12:30 the place was busy with mums and grandparents with toddlers and a few like ourselves retired and out for an afternoon adventure.
The walk started after our tea break. We headed off in search of a view point called the Knoll but our sense of direction was as we headed in the complete wrong direction.We passed the fishing lakes and I stopped and spoke to one chap who reconed he had caught fifty fish 🎣(we have all heard about the one that got away) I saw several other people fishing but not one of them had caught as many. Afer the fishing lake we took a right instead of a left and happily headed in the wrong direction. We had a pleasant three hours walk round trying to rite our sense of direction but we failed to find the Knoll. Wheelchair access and surfaces were great if at times a little bumpy. Some routes in wet weather would be un passable We headed back to the cafe as it stops cooking an hour  before it closes. We got to the cafe just in time (minutes to spare) and had fantastic bacon and brie baguettes 😋and a drink. I managed to sleep😴 in the wheelchair♿ in both ↑↓directions
Fishing lake

Water Lily

What is poetry?

I write poetry for my own amusement, I assume it to be poetry. I have never had any formal teaching on how to write poetry but I had a desire to put words to paper to save lest they be lost. because through my life and I have lived a lot of years I have had thoughts that I wish I had put into written form but they like a puddle in hot sunlight have evaporated. Many things, thoughts and dreams have evaporated, gone into the ether of life. Gone forgotten, sometimes just beyond my grasp a fleeting memory but so faint to have no form, a shadow disappearing out of the corner of my eye there but not there. I took to having a pencil and paper near by say by the bed or never far away! Of course when you have the means to record these fast vanishing thoughts the masterpiece the recall of these wonderful toys of your play on words I never remember them, those wonderful imaginings when aroused from sleep. Those thoughts that rush in and tickle the grey matter and are gone only come when there is no chance of recording them. So the stuff I put to paper is never the good stuff the wonderful images I paint with words in my subconscious remain there in the sub subconscious just out of reach. The wonders are never recorded, no the ones that escape are the ones I wish to write down. But those that do get written they are the dross the far distant cousin the one who is unkempt unshaven and down at heel. The one with whom I wish not to be associated. The poetry I write it is inferior of far lesser quality than that that escapes. The good stuff never gets recorded it is just out of reach, that illusive mist, the vapour that is unable to be bottled. A wisp on the wind an illusive ghost there but beyond reach. So as I ask myself "what I write is it poetry" what will the answer be? The answer is also a sprite who is fast of foot and speeds away the answer is I don't know. The answer is like the question "what is"? It will remain as such until I am strong enough to say "this is" but for now I remain weak and in the back of my mind keep asking, asking for permission to be able to say "this is and it is mine"
I have just re read this post two years on. I haven’t put pencil ✏️ to paper much at all this year. Lockdown has been to horrible that I haven’t wanted to record any of it. Maybe it’s time for change and I need to get my thoughts down on paper. Maybe it will help my mental health? 

Litter litter everywhere can’t anyone use a bin

 I was in my wheelchair recently passing a paper shop and a man came out of the shop cigarette pack in hand, he peeled the cellophane off an...