Promote and protect our Indipendent shops

I used to run the Promote Thanet Blog for about 8 years until closing it earlier this year. Just because I stopped blogging about Thanet means I am no less passionate about the area and it's independent shops and businesses it was because I was suffering with my Multiple Sclerosis and not feeling as if I was to do it anymore. This blog is not about anything so posts here are possibly easier to write. Todays offering is about shopping local to support the local independent businesses and as we run up to Christmas there is SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY on 1st of December.  I am writing to jog your brain to remind you to use them or loose them.

Re use Repurposed Recycle the new three R’s

 I just googled what’s the three r’s What are the 3 R's stand for? reduce, reuse and recycle The 3R Initiative aims to promote the ...