I cannot believe how many potholes and cracks , pits and bumps are on the roads around here. I can only assume the rest of the counties roads are in as diabolical state. I used to enjoy a ride in the car but now it is just plain awful! I am in a wheelchair and in the back of our car I’m tipped all over the place by the condition of our roads so much so we now tend to stick to main roads and avoid the more picturesque side roads into the countryside.
musing ˈmjuːzɪŋ/ noun noun: musing; plural noun: musings 1. a period of reflection or thought. adjective adjective: musing 1. characterized by reflection or deep thought.
More blogging rubbish
In my last post I mentioned a Care Home in Ashford well it is the Brabourne Care Centre https://brabournecarecentre.co.uk/ I have had a busy day and now I’m sitting here in my wheelchair 🦼 both blogging and watching Michael McIntyres The Wheel . The care home is quiet after a busy day. Visitors must favour weekend over week days. My wife is slightly better, I spoke with her earlier and she was soon exhausted and is going to watch telly in bed 🛌
Urge to write poetry
You will all be pleased to hear that the urge has passed. I am currently on two weeks respite at a care home somewhere in Ashford. Heather my wife is not feeling to well so is unable to carry on. We had been trying to sort out respite but over last couple of months it had become difficult and now it has been an emergency! KCC have been marvellous but not quite the full ticket hence the emergency. I have just been showered and had a bacon sandwich for breakfast, I’ve put in my order for both lunch and supper so my day is complete 😃 I’m sure I’ll find something to do .
More fuel to the recession predictions
Yesterday the pound nose dived against the dollar wrecking any thoughts of a ‘soft recession’ whatever one of them is. I stand by my earlier predictions that it’s going to be a hurtful time. The Putin war is the unfathomable part. He is the wild card and after the attempt on his life today he’s going to be even more of a loose canon . Read about yesterday American crash 💥 here
Pound and stocks plummet as US inflation raises recession fears
The recession I predicted is about to become reality
I hate to be one of those I told you so people but I did. In my blog post back in January last year I predicted a recession click here to read my old post
The figures on the economy are always a few months behind so I think the predictions of a recession are with us now here on the front page of today’s Guardian
Plastic free Minster on Instagram
I have a problem! I just found and followed Plastic free Minster on Instagram and I cannot copy the logo. Click here to see it and follow the group
I find the Instagram no copy rule a nuisance but rules is rules, I only wanted to get the logo onto Google to get some advertising for this worthwhile cause.
Here is a Plastic free Margate logo instead of a ‘Plastic Free Minster’ logo
Pulmonary embolism and pain management
I have an awful lot going on with my health at the moment what with the lung 🫁 problems and my ongoing other health issues. My Multiple Sclerosis has decided that it wants to make life more difficult and my reflux problems are acute at the moment. I can only seem to be able to sleep sitting in my wheelchair 🦼 . Not as uncomfortable as that might actually sound. I am awaiting an appointment for an endoscopy but as with anything hospital related getting this done has become a comedy 🎭 of errors. The original request was made on the 30th of June but that evidently got lost but re emerged Friday last. The fact it was an urgent request is not on the radar of said appointment givers and despite two other urgent requests since I am still not any closer to getting my endoscopy 😮
I’m not moaning but I am frustrated. Heather has the full weight of all these phone calls etc full upon her shoulders and it is gradually getting her down ☹️😔😞😒😩
Update I have got an appointment next Friday! Yippee. Wish me well 👍❤️
Re use Repurposed Recycle the new three R’s
I just googled what’s the three r’s What are the 3 R's stand for? reduce, reuse and recycle The 3R Initiative aims to promote the ...
Mine are great 👍 I never made any! Yep I know I need to loose weight, if I could I would but I never shamed myself into setting unobtainabl...
I cannot believe how many potholes and cracks , pits and bumps are on the roads around here. I can only assume the rest of the counties roa...
In my last post I mentioned a Care Home in Ashford well it is the Brabourne Care Centre https://brabournecarecentre.co.uk/ I have had a b...